
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

In Due Season

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Gal 6:9

I guess this is our season.  It seems to come around every 3 to 5 years.  You know, the idiom, "it never rains, but it pours..."

Well, it's pouring.

Yet, for the first time, my husband and I are not angry, frustrated, insecure, or left feeling alone. We are joyful. Weird, I know. We have a large family, one income, and all of our needs are met.

In the last 4.5 months, we have had plumbing issues, the minivan has been in the shop twice, the truck has been in the shop three times, and the Hulk has been in the shop once and got a brand new set of tires, thanks to nice little nail.  We had to buy a new refrigerator two weeks ago (thank goodness for Kingwood Yard Sales), and suffered through AC troubles.  In it all the Lord provided all that we needed!  We were able to purchase an used refrigerator in great shape, the AC was fixed by the hand of a blessed friend, and Kiley was able to learn a lot about fixing the vehicles on his own, before calling in for help.  And we have found a very reputable mechanic....THAT'S a miracle in itself!  We are so thankful for all we have been blessed with and those we have been blessed by.

But in this season, we have chosen joy.  And contentment.  And we refuse to allow satan to STEAL our joy.  We have been praying faithfully together, the children have chosen, on their own, to memorize 15 verses a week, and we have been steady in the Word.  I am thankful for this time in my life, and grateful for the opportunity to share from our circumstances.  No, we're not destitute, and we know other families that have had it more rough than we have, but we also know, this may not be the end for us.  We must remain faithful to trust in the Lord and in His goodness and mercy.
But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy...  Psalm 5:11

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