Sorry it's been longer than 30 days since I updated! So, here's the deal, I haven't shampooed my hair in weeks, and I LOVE IT! My hair is softer, healthier, and much less frizzy. I figure if I lived in any other part of the world, my hair would not be frizzy at all, but here in the armpit of the Gulf, it is what it is...
It was a bit difficult at first, my hair felt really yuck for the first couple of weeks, but out of desperation, I did a baking soda and vinegar rinse a couple of times a week. Much easier to deal with. After the oily, greasy, grossness wore off, I was then able to just rinse my hair in the shower water and then let it air dry. Occasionally, I still have to do a baking soda and vinegar rinse, but it doesn't have the same affect on my hair that shampooing does.
OK, here's how it goes:
If you can make it through the first 2 to 4 weeks of no shampoo, you're good to go. After my scalp cleansed itself and purged my head of all the nasty shampoo/conditioner residue and toxins, I found there was less of an oily buildup.
If you need to do a rinse to help in the beginning stages, then just put about 1/4 cup baking soda in about 3 cups of water and shake well. I put mine in a plastic jar, leave it in the bathroom and shake it before use. I turn my head over and pour just as much as I need, on the base of my neck, around my ears, and the crown of my head, and then massage into my scalp. Let it sit for a couple of minutes and rinse. Then I put about 3T of vinegar into about 3 cups of water and add a few drops of essential oils. Peppermint and lavender are good for your hair. Again, I keep this in a jar in the bathroom and shake before use. After the baking soda rinse, I put a small amount of the vinegar rinse on the ends of my hair, let it sit for a couple of minutes and then rinse.
That's it! I don't put any other products on my hair, except hair spray from time to time, and I'm looking for an alternative to that.
If you choose to try this, be sure to let me know how it goes!
Ok we really should have had photograph to go with this post!
Ya know, I thought about it after the fact, I should have done a before and after picture!