
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

My Lemon Tree

I've had this lemon tree for 5 seasons now, and this is the first year that it has produced a plentiful harvest.  I have thirteen good-sized lemons this year from this little tree! 

It seems that the drought didn't seem to affect all of my plants this season.  We ended up with a bounty of figs, onions, carrots, mint, basil, and lemons.  All others were lost to the lack of rain and intense heat.  :( 

I am thankful for what we did have, though, and the healthy benefits of my lemons will continue to produce good results in our lives.  If you'd like to hear all about the amazing qualities of lemons, you can find it here.  Yes, I'm lazy, and retyping all of that information doesn't exactly fit into my bon-bon loving life of ease...

Lemon trees are fairly simple to grow and maintain.  We bought a small tree and planted it in a very large, well-drained pot, where it's stayed for these five years.  You can keep it in its pot indefinitely, which is actually a blessing because if the winter hits too hard, you can always drag the tree into the garage or house where it will be protected from freezing weather.  As you know, that isn't a problem down here.

I water it every other day, from our rain water barrel, and it gets full sun for most of the day.  Also, lemon and lime trees don't need to cross pollinate, so one tree is all you need, unlike most fruit trees where you would have to plant two or more trees in order for them to produce.

My lemons are almost to their ripe point, they probably only need another week or two before I'll be squeezin' that fresh juice into my UNSWEET tea!

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