
Monday, January 16, 2012

Facebook, Flopsy Bunny, and a Giveaway

I haven't posted for Flopsy Bunny Boutique in a few months!  I have some new items to share, more on the way, and an upcoming giveaway. 

I decided back in August to take a break from Facebook.  What I intended to be only for a few weeks, turned into a few months.  For my own personal reasons, I will continue to keep my personal page private and anonymous, so if you send me a friend request, don't be offended if I ignore it.  I just decided I don't need the extra distraction.  Just know, "I love ya, man!"  That being said, I do offer a group page for Flopsy Bunny, you only have to ask to join and I'll add you as soon as possible.

In the next day or two, I will be offering a giveaway for new fans, old fans, and new blog subscribers.  Once I have all of the details, I will post here and on Facebook.  No more Facebook contests, they have gotten really picky about giveaways.  :(

One more thing, I added some new products and will add some more soon.  Feather headbands and shabby flower headbands.  I make them to fit any size from infant through adults. 

Thank you to everyone who has checked in on me during my sabbatical, I really appreciate it!


  1. rachel7:37 AM

    wow! I don't do facebook either so of course I will cheer anyone brave enough to say goodbye to it!!
    So good to find you again...I couldn't find you for awhile and thought you fell off the planet :(
    Love you and glad to see you again!!

  2. Always glad to see you, Rachel! Yes, sometimes I do tend to fall off the face of the earth. Too often, I take breaks from cyberworld and don't warn anyone! Love you, back!
