
Monday, February 13, 2012

Planting Season

Seems a bit early?  You forget where I live......the place where winter never comes...

Since we already had our once a year freeze/frost, our seedlings are now safe.  ;P  We started planting our seeds in starter pots last month, and they are growing healthy and tall.  This year I am working with about a dozen different herbs.  If you remember, we grew basil and mint last year and I had more than I knew what to do with!  I hope we get the same results from all of our other herbs this season.

As far as our other seedlings, we have tomatoes, peppers, okra, and squash started, and I will add beans and other seeds, much later when I can plant directly in the ground.  Our lettuce and cabbage is still going strong and my ever-successful onions have been divided and have taken up a good portion of my raised bed! 

I don't think it's only coincidence that children and adults enjoy growing things.  It's human nature to get outside, dig up the ground, plant grass, flowers, or vegetables, and watch them grow.  What a reward to see your hard work and the blessings of the Lord sitting on your dinner table, or in your pantry, and know that you have reaped the fruits of your labor.

The kids LOVE digging in the dirt, and planting their seeds. I gave each of them two herbs to watch after, and they will have two vegetables to take care of.

This year I have put a lot of research, reading, drafting, and prayer into the gardens, and hopefully all will pay off.  I'll let you know...

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