
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fall Garden 2012

(freshly planted fall garden)

My summer garden was not as successful as I would have liked.  We had an abundance of cucumbers, and I believe I would have harvested quite a load from my tomatoes if it hadn't been for all of the bugs and squirrels running rampant through my plants.

Oh yes, and I have a surplus supply of dried lemongrass.  If you remember, I had a difficult time locating lemongrass plants, then my husband and mother found some, I now have six plants and we will be drinking lemongrass tea all winter long.  Be careful what you wish for.


This will be my first try at fall gardening.  Usually I just try to maintain a long harvest, thanks to our gulf side residence, but since our summer garden didn't produce all we needed, I'm giving things another go.

(Fruit Trees)

Our fruit trees have been waiting for a new potted home all summer.  The local nursery had a sale on all citrus trees a couple of months ago, and we really stocked up!  I'm thinking 14 is enough.....?  My lemons produce a nice addition to our harvest, so why not have more citrus than a human can consume?  Sounds like I'll be juicing and storing soon...

(main garden area)

The lettuce I planted in January did very well, so I've planted some more.  We also planted spinach, brussel sprouts, cabbage, squash, peas, and tomatoes in this area.  My cats have now adapted to their new life outside, so they had better earn their keep and rid my garden of the nuisance squirrels.

(Herbs and Green Beans)

Trying again for beans.  Black beans on the trellis and bush beans on the ground.  So far, they are coming up nicely.  If only I can keep them free and clear of BUGS.  I have already been through a caterpillar massacre with enough green goo to fill a bucket.  Gross. 

(More green beans)


We are in our second year of pecan production.  The trees are still young, so not many nuts are available, but it's a joy to see them finally beginning to bear!


Fingers crossed we'll have a beautiful fall garden.  My only concern is that the plants will get adequate sunlight.  Our temps stay pretty warm even through November, but in the fall, my yard gets an ample amount of shade.  I'll keep you posted!

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