
Monday, November 13, 2006

The Great Number Eight?

Maybe not. I mean, he’s no Cal Ripken Jr., but he is MY little baseball player.

We just completed Connor’s first season of T-ball. Not too impressive, but entertaining, and the kids are SOOOO cute in their little uniforms trying desperately to hit a standard size ragball off a 2 foot tee, or standing very statuesque-like in the field. Then you hear a hollow metal sound against a soft spherical wad of rags and then an uproar of coaches and parents yelling "Catch the BALL!". All the kids begin to scurry around trying to run after the ball, everyone leaves their post and the lucky, or unlucky, kid that picks it up then begins to be yelled at to "THROW the BALL!". What ball? Oh yeah, this ball I have in my glove. Throw it where? Maybe to Ben because he and I are best friends.
Or maybe I’ll throw it to Emily because I like her pretty blonde hair. Or maybe I should throw it to Coltin since he threw it to me last time. I probably should throw it to my dad since he’s yelling the loudest. Finally, the ball makes it to it’s destination, which doesn’t really matter because there are no points, no one wins, everyone gets a chance to hit and run the bases, but the parents get the satisfaction that their child was able to make the throw, however inaccurate it may be.

Of course, every parent thinks their kid is the cutest or the best player and they all believe little Johnny or Susie should be the team’s MVP. I, on the other hand, was more concerned with the fact that the uniforms were lacking names. They all look the same! The players are all about 3 1/2 feet tall and it’s not like anyone is going to remember what jersey number belongs to which child. SOOOO, being the anal, creative mother that I am, I ironed on Connor’s name to the back of his jersey. I thought maybe other parents would follow suit, but NOPE! I’m sure in the end, Connor’s mom looked like a complete fool, BUT everyone knew his name!!!

ANYWAY, I’m not quite sure why we put ourselves through this useless attempt to "get our kids involved in sports". What does it matter? Can’t we teach them the rules of the game. Seeing how in T-ball it doesn’t matter anyway! But no, we end up spending 70 - 100 dollars for our kids to look cute and get some great pictures of them "playing" baseball. Oh, what we do for our children! I wish I would spend as much time and energy instilling wonderful Biblical truths and knowledge in my children, which leads me to my new resolution. I intend to spend more time discussing truths associated with negative behavior and or good deeds. I already pray, tearfully sometimes, over them, the least I can do is teach them the Word a little better. I love this verse and hopefully I'll be able to say this about my little ones: 3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." I only hope and pray that the Lord will give me the wisdom I need to handle all the tough situations I know are going to come my way, and that I raise my children in the goodness and knowledge of the Lord!

BTW, I DID get some really cute pictures.

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