
Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

I feel another Bah Humbug coming!

Halloween is barely over and the Christmas decorations go up, holiday music is being played, and department stores begin their BIG sales! Thanksgiving is totally overlooked. The one day that is set aside to focus entirely on God and His wonderful gifts, becomes neglected and completely disregarded as a holiday of thankfulness. We skim over it and obsess with after Thanksgiving sales and finding the BEST present for the LOWEST price! It's a shame, but it shows the self-indulgence of our country. Sorry, I know I sound negative. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Christmas just as much as the next person, I only wish we would emphasize the center of Thanksgiving before jumping into the spirit of Christmas. I love Thanksgiving! To me, it’s the beginning of the holiday season! Family is together, there is no stress involved, and no one has to worry about gifts. We can take the time to be thankful for what we have, the many lessons we've learned, and what the Lord has brought us through this year. I appreciate those who spend time reflecting on blessings, and not worrying over Christmas lists, enjoying the time spent with family, and not fretting about a credit card bill. Those worries will present themselves soon enough. Why encourage the inevitable! :)

This year our family has so much to be thankful for. We have added two wonderful children to our family, my sister is getting married to a great, Godly man, and my brother is marrying a wonderful, Godly woman. I’m so happy for all of us! The Lord has truly blessed every member of our family! I pray that we all take the time to contemplate the blessings that the Lord has brought. Our days are not always easy, jobs agreeable, or children compliant. Life brings turmoil as well as serenity, and God is with us through it all. I am thankful to be a Christian and the freedom to rely on a mighty God, who stills the storms, makes me lie down in green pastures, and leads me beside still waters. I am grateful for even the disturbances in life because in those times I learn to trust Him more.

Psalm 100:4 "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name."

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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