Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Makin' Buttah

We love making butter.  There's nothing better than fresh, organic, homemade butter.  Except maybe fresh, organic, homemade, straight from a cow butter.  Maybe one day...

Kiley had a late night butter making session with the girls.  One made honey butter, one made cinnamon butter, and I made basil garlic butter.  Yes, I actually did something and didn't just use my "but I'm taking pictures" excuse.

I'm sure I don't have to enlighten you on all of the Lord's richest blessings that come from butter.  My homemade bread is truly blessed right now by the honey flavored variety.  Excuse me, I'm typing with my mouth full.

Notice, the girls have plastic jars and Kiley was lucky enough to be allowed to use one of my favored mason jars.  It's all about trust...

1 comment:

Angie said...

Making butter is alot of work... Looks like fun

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