Saturday, September 05, 2009


Our sweet Jasmine passed away this morning. She was suffering from liver failure, and upon learning the diagnosis, we were given two choices-to try a series of treatments and not be guaranteed much, if anything, or to have her put to sleep. Bless her sweet heart, she was so miserable, and we were so torn. What an awful decision to have to make about a loved pet! Kiley and I prayed about it and decided it was most merciful to have her put to sleep. I really miss seeing her curled up at the foot of my bed, lazing in the sun-filled window sill, or purring contentedly in my lap......

Jasmine doing what Jasmine did best. :)

Jasmine with her favorite boy.


GammySel said...

how sad for all the children!!

How did they take it?


Unknown said...

We said our goodbyes and they all cried, but after it was over and she wasn't suffering anymore, I think it was more of a relief knowing she was "better". They're kids, though, and they bounce back quickly. :)

GammySel said...

Yes they do- praise the Lord- we must all adjust quickly to change, and to pain. It is always a blessing to learn early to rely on our Lord Jesus.


teagirl said...

So sorry to hear about Jasmine. :-(

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